101 Seminar Series

J PREP Scholarsの講師達と一緒に視野を広げてみませんか?

対象コース: ES350, ES360, ES450, またはScholarsに在籍の生徒
開講校舎:  渋谷校    時間:  13:00 - 16:00 3時間

  • 受講には上記「事前登録フォーム」より登録が必要になります(登録締切:6月30日(日))。
  • 事前登録の際には、受講希望理由を入力する欄があります。入力は任意ですが、必ず受講生本人が入力してください。(英語、100語以内)
  • 受講数に制限はありませんが、いずれの講座も予習課題への取り組みが課されることを前提にお申し込みください。(英文テキスト20~50ペ ージ程度のReading課題)
  • 事前登録内容をもとに選考を行い、7月12日(金)に結果をメールにてご連絡いたします。選考の結果、お申し込み講座が適正レベルでないと判断した場合は、受講をお断りすることもございます。予めご了承ください。
Series Overview

We will be offering a series of short introductory courses on a range of liberal arts subjects. Learn firsthand what it’s like to prepare for and participate in a seminar like those offered at US and Canadian universities while also studying a new and engaging subject.

#1 Famous Experiments in Psychology

Date: 7/24 Wed.

Students will read about, discuss, and try out some of the most influential and most interesting experiments in psychology.

This session is recommended for students in the following levels. ES: 450; LA: 350 or above; SA: any level.

#2 Critical Thinking and Creative Problem-Solving

Date: 7/30 Tue.

A fast-paced and hands-on workshop that will explore some powerful yet fun critical thinking and creative problem-solving methods that can be immediately applied to a variety of problems and scenarios.

#3 A Short History of South America

Date: 7/31 Wed.

This session will provide a brief overlook on the history of the South American continent. Students will learn more about the colonization processes that shaped the continent, and how different cultures have coexisted and developed. We will also explore the history and contributions of the Japanese immigrants to the continent.

#4 Bom Dia! An Introduction to Portuguese Language

Date: 8/7 Wed.

In this introductory session, students will learn more about the Portuguese language. We will start by learning how Portuguese came to be as a language, and then we will move to a practice session. Students will have the opportunity to speak and even read a short story entirely in Portuguese!

#5 Intro to Literary Translation

Date: 8/23 Fri.

In this seminar, students will collaboratively produce an English translation of a short work of Japanese literature. We will read and discuss the theory and practice of translation, and then apply these theories in a workshop creating and editing our own texts.

#6 Intro to Korean Language

Date: 8/30 Fri.

In this short, immersive lesson, students will learn simple phrases for Korean conversation as well as the building blocks of the hangul alphabet.
