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Sunnyside International Kindergarten サニーサイドインターナショナルキンダーガーテン


Infomation 2024.06.28
Sunnyside Stories: Staff Training スタッフ研修を行いました


Hello everyone!

On Friday, June 24, we held an all-day staff training to improve safety management and the quality of childcare and education. This time, all staff members focused on abuse/inappropriate childcare prevention training, reconfirmation of the safety management manual, emergency call training, and STEM training. In the abuse/inappropriate childcare prevention training, we discussed childcare that respects children, using the “Self-Checklist for Human Rights Protection” published by the National Association of Childcare Professionals, while reminding participants of the types of abuse and the fact that they are crimes. All staff members also reflected on their daily interactions with the children, and were reminded to think about and practice better ways of interacting with them. In addition, we reconfirmed the safety management manual, including safety measures for summer pool activities, measures to prevent aspiration, and measures to prevent accidents during nap time, etc. We conducted drills under various scenarios to ensure that in the event of an emergency, staff can promptly cooperate and take appropriate measures. The last part of our day was an online training session about STEM in Early Childhood Setting. We learned how to adapt the concepts of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math into our daily activities.

