斉藤 淳
Jun Saito
J PREP代表、元イェール大学政治学科助教授。
上智大学外国語学部英語学科卒業(1993年)、イェール大学大学院政治学専攻博士課程修了、Ph.D. 取得(2006年)。ウェズリアン大学客員助教授(2006-07年)、フランクリン&マーシャル大学助教授(2007-08年) を経てイェール大学助教授(2008-12年)、高麗大学客員助教授(2009-11年)を歴任、2012年4月に帰国、英語塾代表として起業。イェール大学助教授時代はセイブルック寮の舎監も務め、3年間にわたって学生と寝食を共に過ごす。これまで各大学で「日本政治」「国際政治学入門」「東アジアの国際関係」などの授業を英語で担当した他、衆議院議員(2002-03年、山形4区)をつとめる。
研究者としての専門分野は日本政治、比較政治経済学。主著『自民党長期政権の政治経済学』により第54回日経・経済図書文化賞(2011年)、第2回政策分析ネットワーク賞本賞(2012年)をそれぞれ受賞。2014年に発売された『世界の非ネイティブエリートがやっている英語勉強法』と『10歳から身につく問い、考え、表現する力』がベストセラーとなる。2017年12月に『世界最高の子ども英語』を刊行。 J PREP では、全体の統括に加え、教材開発、授業、進路指導を担当。
桂 侑司
Yuji Katsura
在学中より大手予備校英語講師を歴任し、現在、J PREP国内大学受験コースのカリキュラム・テキスト作成を担当。東大・京大・早慶・医学部をはじめとする国内最難関大学へ生徒たちを合格に導く敏腕講師。
中西 理恵
Rie Nakanishi
中村 倫子
Michiko Nakamura
阿部 充博
Mitsuhiro Abe
大学院在学中はBlu-ray 機器に使用されるガラスレンズ成形金型材料の開発に従事、修了後は大手IT企業における証券事業部に配属される。オレゴン州立大学への留学経験あり。
講師からのメッセージ中学生の頃から英語が大の苦手でしたが、音読を中心に大人になってから英語を学び直しました。英語の上達に必要なことは「才能」でなく、日々の「地道な努力」(クイズ、音読練習、演習問題の復習など)です。一生懸命取り組めばJ PREPを卒業する頃には夢にも思わなかったレベルにまで到達することでしょう。夢に向かって英語を思いっきり勉強してみてください。
古賀 智久
Tomohisa Koga
Matt Summerhays
BA Anthropology, University of Buffalo
BA English, University of Buffalo
Message for studentsWelcome to J PREP! We are excited to be here to teach students to reach a variety of goals. The most fun classes are the ones where students relax and volunteer, so please remember that we can help you learn, but you are the ones that have to keep trying a little bit every day. Keep at it and you will get better!
Peter Palmer
BA English Literature, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
TEFL, TESOL, and CELTA Certifications
Message for studentsI’m fascinated by the fact that the languages we learn help to mold our personalities, as well as our abilities to express ourselves. I am proud to be a part of a team that helps young learners grow and develop the skills they will require to successfully communicate their opinions in today’s globalized society.
Kalau Almony
MA East Asian Languages and Literature, University of Hawaii Mānoa
BA Comparative Literature, Brown University
Message for studentsMy main goal at J PREP is to help students at the high intermediate and advanced levels prepare for studies in English at the university level. This means working with students to polish their ideas and present them with clarity, using language and expressions suitable to their task. It also means encouraging students to start thinking about not just what they want to say, but how best to say it. As someone who’s invested a lot of time in language learning and academics myself, I know how challenging this step can be. I also know that with effort
and the right support, one can find a world of opportunities through language learning. I hope to instill in our students the skills to take advantage of those opportunities.
Mina Kang
BA Arts, Major in English Language University of British Columbia
Message for studentsLearning a new language is like searching for hidden treasure; it requires commitment and patience, it takes facing and overcoming various challenges, and in the end, those who choose to take on the journey will be rewarded with unforgettable experiences and fortune. Mastering a new language cannot be accomplished overnight but with perseverance and dedication, a rewarding outcome is just one trip away. But let us not forget, learning should not solely be for good grades only, but embracing the experience and looking forward to connecting with
people from all over the world; just like how searching for treasure isn’t for the precious gems and jewels only, but for conquering obstacles and exploring the world.
Tom McCormack
MA English Literature, Trinity College
MA TESOL, Lancaster University
Message for studentsUsing my extensive experiences living, working, and studying abroad, I am dedicated to helping my students discover their own global identities. With over 12 years of experience in teaching English to senior high school students in Japan, I love seeing my students achieve their English language learning and wider academic goals.
Adeline Tay
MA Education (Educational Psychology), University of Sydney, Australia
BA Psychology (Hons), HELP University, Malaysia
Message for studentsWe all want that magic pill that we can take to make us fluent in a language. No need for homework, and no need for hours of practice. Unfortunately, life doesn’t work this way. Any skill takes time to learn. Some of us get to our goals faster, while others may take a bit more time. As long as you don’t give up, we will ultimately meet at the goal where a whole new adventure awaits!
Perrie Raymond
BA Comparative Literary Studies, The University of Kent
Message for studentsDear students, We hope that you thoroughly enjoy your time at J PREP and we hope that your time here not only helps you improve your English skills, but also helps you with your further studies in the future. Study hard and do not forget to do your homework each week.
We look forward to seeing you in the classroom!